Chiropractic Care

We take a natural systemic approach to healing

Chiropractic is a way of looking at the human body as a whole. It’s based on the idea that the body is self­-sustaining and self­-healing.

You know that your body is controlled by your brain, but the spinal cord and vast network of nerves that carry its messages are just as important.

When this system is not functioning at its peak, your body’s overall performance suffers.

New Practice Member Process

Before your first visit in the office, you will speak with one of our chiropractors  during a free phone consultation. Your phone call will include a review of your history and discussion regarding your health concerns so we can be prepared to help you when you come to the office.

If new X-Rays are required to assess for vertebral subluxation and rule out contraindications, those will be done at one of the imaging facilities that our doctors refer practice members to in your area.

Prior to your first visit you will also be able to complete your intake form online at your leisure in the comfort of your own home.

When you arrive in the office you will be greeted by one of the caring and compassionate staff members. If you have insurance, you will give the front desk team member your insurance card and photo ID so we can scan them into your file to help with billing.

Your evaluation to analyze for specific locations and patterns of vertebral subluxation will include a digital posture analysis, a bilateral weight scale balance distribution test, active spinal range of motion measurements, Neurocalometer scan, and manual palpation. If concerns warrant consideration of possible referral to other specialists, the doctor may perform additional orthopedic and neurologic testing.

This first visit will take about 30-45 minutes. Unless there is something that is discovered during the exam that is an absolute contraindication to care or requires an immediate referral, you should expect to receive an adjustment at that first visit.

We help more than just neck & back pain

Chiropractors not only treat soft and hard tissue problems such as sciatica and joint pain, but are largely called on to deal with many different health issues. Some of these issues include fibromyalgia, allergies, insomnia, and headaches among many more.

How Does It Work?

Chiropractic is based on the idea of removing imbalances both structural and postural in an effort to allow our body to heal itself. For this to happen the network of nerves and signals from your brain, down your spinal cord, to the network of nerves must be allowed to flow freely without any interruption. Chiropractors have the ability and skill to remove these interruptions or misalignments and allow the body to perform as it was meant to.

If you’ve ever been in a car accident, played a sport, fell down or just bumped into something too hard, it’s very possible that you are not functioning at your best due to a misalignment. While there are many potential mechanical or structural causes for misalignment, there are also chemical reasons. For instance, if you smoke or drink excessively or even just have a poor diet, the chemical issues in your body can eventually cause underlying conditions and disease to appear.

Allowing a chiropractor to get you back on track both chemically and structurally will bring your body back to the proper state it should be in to perform at it’s peak.

Pregnancy Care

When you’re pregnant you want the best for you and your baby. From the moment of conception many women want to maximize health and minimize stresses. Chiropractic care for pregnant women is safe and offers many natural benefits.

The doctors at LifePower Chiropractic specialize in chiropractic care of pregnant women…

  • Certified in the Webster Technique for the care of pregnant women.
  • Has special adjusting table and pregnancy pillows to allow pregnant women to safely lay on their stomach.

Pediatric Care

Parents have trust in our doctors at LifePower Chiropractic to adjust their children of all ages. That trust is earned and it is for good reason.

The doctors at LifePower Chiropractic adjust children from newborn, to babies, to toddlers, to adolescents, and through teen years to adulthood.

The doctors at LifePower Chiropractic specialize in pediatric chiropractic care…

Have special adjusting tables, tools, and instruments that are customizable for the gentlest of pediatric adjustments.

Conditions that parents have seen improvement in after their child starting chiropractic care include:
Acid Reflux – ADD/ADHD – Asthma – Autism Spectrum – Bed Wetting – Breastfeeding Difficulties – Colic – Constipation – Ear Infection – Headaches – Respiratory Function – Scoliosis – Seizures – Sports Performance

    Athlete Care

    The success of an athlete is based on multiple factors including training, competition, and recovery. The proper type of chiropractic care sets the stage for an athlete to be successful in all those areas.

    The success of an athlete is based on multiple factors including training, competition, and recovery. The proper type of chiropractic care sets the stage for an athlete to be successful in all those areas.

    The doctors at LifePower Chiropractic care for athletes participating at various levels including youth, high school, college, and professional. While every chiropractor is trained to take care of the spine, our doctors use their knowledge and training to go beyond by taking a whole-body approach.

    Many chiropractors only adjust the spine, but the doctors at LifePower Chiropractic go further for those who need it and adjust other axial joints, as well as all areas of the upper and lower extremities as necessary. The axial joints include those of the pelvis, tailbone, spine, TMJ (jaw), and skull. The upper extremity includes shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. The lower extremity includes hip, knee, ankle, and foot.

    Our doctors also address muscle issues such as tightness, strains, injury, and nerve entrapment by using myofascial release techniques to speed healing and maximize performance. By using this well-trained diverse approach, they are able to address the bones, joints, muscles, and nerves to keep an athlete performing at his or her best.

    Athlete Care

    The success of an athlete is based on multiple factors including training, competition, and recovery. The proper type of chiropractic care sets the stage for an athlete to be successful in all those areas.

    The success of an athlete is based on multiple factors including training, competition, and recovery. The proper type of chiropractic care sets the stage for an athlete to be successful in all those areas.

    The doctors at LifePower Chiropractic care for athletes participating at various levels including youth, high school, college, and professional. While every chiropractor is trained to take care of the spine, our doctors use their knowledge and training to go beyond by taking a whole-body approach.

    Many chiropractors only adjust the spine, but the doctors at LifePower Chiropractic go further for those who need it and adjust other axial joints, as well as all areas of the upper and lower extremities as necessary. The axial joints include those of the pelvis, tailbone, spine, TMJ (jaw), and skull. The upper extremity includes shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. The lower extremity includes hip, knee, ankle, and foot.

    Our doctors also address muscle issues such as tightness, strains, injury, and nerve entrapment by using myofascial release techniques to speed healing and maximize performance. By using this well-trained diverse approach, they are able to address the bones, joints, muscles, and nerves to keep an athlete performing at his or her best.

    What causes a Vertbral Subluxation Complex (VSC)?

    When one or more vertebrae becomes misaligned and/or does not move the way it should, this is diagnosed in the chiropractic profession as a subluxation. Subluxations can be caused by a wide range of issues ranging from a slip or bump to a car accident or any sudden trauma. When a vertebrae is subluxated, it begins to put pressure on nerves, blood vessels and everything around it. This pressure comes with a price. The subluxation interrupts the natural pathways that the messages sent from the brain need to be clear in order to be completed properly.

    As time goes by and a subluxation remains untreated, the spine and surrounding features such as discs can begin to degenerate. This degeneration becomes more difficult to reverse as time goes by as the surrounding muscles, nerves and bones begin to adjust to the new shape. The body is an amazing machine. It will start to accommodate these changes by compensating in other areas. The longer this goes on, the more difficult it is and the longer it takes to get back to near perfect position.


    If you know you will be standing for an extended period, make sure that you wear supportive shoes and make sure you know how to keep good posture. Good posture is the key to a healthy spine. Keep your chin up and your shoulders back. Keep both feet about shoulder­-width apart.

    Working at a Desk

    Make sure that you are getting up every 30 minutes to stretch, even if you just walk around for a few minutes. Next, be sure you are seated correctly. Make sure you have a chair that offers good lower back support. You also want your feet flat on the floor with your knees at a 90­ degree angle. If you need a stool under your feet to do this, bring one to work. Your computer screen should be at eye­-level so you are not looking down at it.


    Lifting objects is one of the most common ways to injure yourself. Start by squatting down to the object with one foot slightly in front of the other. Keep your back straight, only bending at the knees and hips. Keep your head looking forward and lift the object by straightening your legs, still keeping your back straight. Hold the object close to your body. Never twist while picking something up. Only turn once you are fully upright. Keep the same idea in mind when you are putting the object back down.

    Warming Up for Physical Activity

    If you know that you are going to be working or playing for a while, make sure that you are adequately warmed up. Even when only performing light activities, like gardening or pushing your child on a bike, it’s easy to pull something if you don’t prepare your body.

    Talking On The Telephone

    If you’re forced to use the telephone for a long period of time, a speaker or a headset is a must. Do not cradle the phone between your neck and your shoulder as this could cause you to damage the muscles or vertebrae in that area.

    Resting or Sleeping

    Straining your neck or back while you’re sleeping is a very common occurrence. We often fall asleep in positions where we are not supported properly, or we fall asleep with our necks at an odd angle. Make sure your pillow supports your neck so that your head lays neutral with the rest of your spine. Sleeping on your back is typically the best, however on your side isn’t necessarily bad. Keep in mind that stomach sleeping is not recommended as it puts stress on your neck and back.

    Your Spine Degenerates in Stages or Phases:

    Degeneration Phase 1

    The first stage of spinal degeneration is when there is a loss of normal spine balance and spinal curvature. The surrounding features of the spine such as nerves, discs and joints begin to wear out quicker and are continually more stressed. This stage of the degeneration process may be accompanied with no major pain. At this point, there is a good chance that with the proper care, you can return to normal.

    Degeneration Phase 2
    In the second stage of spinal degeneration, there is a often narrowing of the discs and potentially bone spurs forming on the vertebrae. Posture is often beginning to degenerate as well at this point. As the spinal canal and/or openings between the vertebrae begins to narrow, there may be significant aches and pains associated and even cases of disc bulge and herniation. Fatigue and stress are more common at this stage. There is a good chance of improvement at this stage with the proper care.

    Degeneration Phase 3
    In the third stage of spinal degeneration, there is significant physical and mental involvement due to the level of issues here. There is most likely nerve damage as well as deformation of the bones and discs. There would a significant loss of energy and height at this point. Some reversal may be possible.

    Degeneration Phase 4
    In the fourth stage of spinal degeneration, most damage is permanent including scar tissue, nerve damage and deformation. At this point, the condition is irreversible. Management of pain and discomfort is the best option here.

    We don’t use drugs to treat our practice members

    Supplementation and nutrition are almost always a part of the bigger picture, but drugs and prescriptions can be viewed as band­aids to treat symptoms rather than treating the source of the problem.

    Chiropractic treats the problem naturally and in turn, prompts the body to heal itself.

    Chiropractic helps many areas…


    Chiropractic can help reduce the severity and the frequency of your allergies. Chiropractic does not work like an anti-histamine as a direct, short term relief from allergies. Chiropractic allows your body to be better equipped to fight against allergies.

    Allergies are a reaction by your immune system to an allergen (substances that normally have no effect on people) resulting in sneezing, coughing, congestion, hives, rashes, and in severe cases, seizure and anaphylactic shock. These symptoms are caused by the histamines your immune system creates in an attempt to protect your body against the allergen.

    When your spine is misaligned it can impinge on the nervous system in your body. Studies have shown that the nervous system has an effect on the functionality of your immune system. When your nervous system is under stress and not functioning properly, your immune system cannot work at an optimal level. Chiropractors work with the nervous system by aligning the spine to relieve any stress on nerves. This allows the immune system to work at a higher level, making it easier to fight off infections while recognizing allergens. When your immune system recognizes allergens, it will not overreact to them, or at least not react as severely to them.

    If you suffer from allergies, chiropractic can help you find relief. Schedule an appointment today.

    Disc Problems

    Intervertebral discs are positioned between the vertebrae in the spine. The outside of a disc is made from cartilage, and in the center is a jelly like solution. These discs serve many purposes, including allowing movement of the spine, creating space between the vertebrae, and acting as shock absorbers. The gelatinous middle allows the disc to compress and expand based on impact and movement. Trauma to the spine can cause the discs to herniated, bulge, become displaced (slipped disc), or even rupture. Trauma or direct injury to the area is not the only cause, however. As we get older, the discs can begin to weaken and dehydrate. These conditions can put pressure on the nerves around the spine and cause pain.

    If you suffer from one of these injuries you should see a chiropractor. Surgery is risky, expensive, and requires recovery time. In many cases, you can experience relief from these conditions through chiropractic. By properly aligning the spine, pressure can be relieved on nerves and on the discs themselves. This will reduce and hopefully eliminate your pain and discomfort and allow you to live a normal lifestyle.


    Whiplash is a common injury for people involved in car collisions. When a car is struck from behind or collides with another object, it causes the neck to snap back and forth violently. This causes the muscles and ligaments to overextend, leading to strains and/or tears. This is referred to as soft tissue damage, and can cause stiffness and soreness. Whiplash can also cause structural damage such as misaligned vertebrae, herniated, bulging or ruptured discs, or nerve damage due to the overextension from the violent movement.

    Chiropractic can help with both types of injuries. Adjustments and alignments can be performed specifically for those who have been in car accidents and suffered from whiplash. The pressure on the discs and nerves is released when the spine is returned to its proper alignment. Chiropractic massage can be used to help relieve the pain and discomfort from soft tissue injuries. If you have been in a car accident, schedule an appointment with us before relying on pain medications and surgery. Osteoarthritis
    Arthritis is a condition that is caused by the wearing down of the cartilage between joints. Some of the major joints that are affected are the knees, hips, back, neck, and hands/wrist. Arthritis can be painful and can cause the affected areas to not function properly. Arthritis in one area can cause arthritis or other problems in a different joint. For instance, if you have arthritis in your left knee, you may compensate for this by putting more pressure on your right side, leading to right hip problems.

    Pain killers can cause temporary relief from pain and discomfort, but it is not a long term solution. Chiropractic can alleviate pain by releasing pressure on the nervous system with proper alignment. It can also restore proper joint movement, helping to ensure that you use proper motion so that you do not cause injury to other parts of your body. We are not concerned strictly with the affected area, but rather the body as a whole. We aim to restore and maintain proper movement and functionality to increase your overall well being.

    Joint Dysfunction

    Joint dysfunction occurs when joints become stiff and full movement is restricted. It can be caused by an injury, poor posture, overuse/underuse of a joint, muscle imbalance, as well as other factors. Like arthritis, joint dysfunction can cause pain in the joint and the surrounding muscles, and can also cause problems in other parts of the body due to overcompensation.

    One common form of joint dysfunction is sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which occurs where the base of the spine meets the pelvis. It causes low back pain and prohibits movement. This condition is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are similar to sciatica or a herniated disc.

    Your chiropractor can properly diagnose this condition and provide relief. Using specific adjustments for the affected joint can return proper mobility and relieve pain. If you have joint pain, visit us for relief.

    Neck/Back Pain

    Pain along the spinal column in your neck or back is usually caused by subluxations, or misalignments of your vertebrae. A small misalignment can cause pain by causing pressure on nerves. Left untreated, these subluxations can cause muscle spasms and increasing pain. Chiropractic adjustments properly align your spine so that pressure on joints and nerves is released. It is a direct treatment for the cause of the pain, not a temporary relief like pain relievers or massage. If you are experiencing back or neck pain visit us today.


    Many people believe that headaches are caused by loud noise, being tired, or being stressed. While these are all factors that can lead to headaches, the direct cause is tightness in the neck and shoulders. The tightness can cause misalignments in the vertebrae of your neck, resulting in pain. 80% of all headaches originate from the neck. With a typical cervicogenic (neck origin) headache, a person usually feels pain starting at the base of the skull which radiates into the temples, eyeballs, and forehead. Massage of the neck and shoulder muscles can release tension, and a chiropractic adjustment can realign the vertebrae in your neck. Chiropractic can help eliminate the cause of your headaches rather than offering a temporary relief from the symptoms.


    Sciatica is a condition that results when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated. Bulging discs, spinal subluxations, and muscle spasms can all cause increased pressure on the sciatic nerve. When this happens it causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower back and leg. To properly treat sciatica the cause of the condition needs to be diagnosed and properly treated. Your chiropractor can help you do this.

    Pinched Nerve

    When a nerve is squeezed or compressed it is called a “pinched nerve”. This can be caused by spinal misalignments, bulging or herniated discs, or other factors. The increased pressure on the nerve causes inflammation, pain, and sometimes muscle spasms. The pressure on the nerve must be relieved in order to alleviate the pain. An examination can reveal the cause of the pain, and an adjustment can relieve the pain by properly aligning the spine and addressing the cause of the pain.

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    This condition is most commonly associated with people who are constantly using a computer. Typing is a motion that, when performed repetitively and with poor posture, can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms include pain, numbness, weakness, or a burning sensation. The nerves in the fingertips travel through the wrist, up the arm, and into the neck. The spine is the center of the nervous system, and the pain in your hands and wrists can be relieved by your chiropractor with concentrated spinal and joint adjustments.

    Maintenance Care

    We have discussed many conditions that can be relieved through chiropractic. The best way to treat these conditions is to prevent them before they even start. Regular chiropractic visits can help to prevent physical problems and injuries from occurring. Other potential benefits of regular chiropractic visits are increased flexibility and mobility, higher level of energy, improved posture, more effective immune system, better circulation, and an overall better feeling of well-being.


    Fibromyalgia is a condition that researchers still do not know much about. There is no specific known cause, and it could be brought on by many different factors. The main symptom of fibromyalgia is chronic pain throughout the body, mainly located in joints. The pain may be achy, sharp, radiating, burning, or shooting and it may be mild or severe. Fibromyalgia has also been known to bring on other conditions like trouble sleeping, headaches, depression, and anxiety.

    While there is no known cure for fibromyalgia, chiropractic treatment can help to uncover what may be causing the pain and also provide relief for the pain. The cause of fibromyalgia could be physical, mental, or emotional, so a full examination will be performed. Adjustments and chiropractic massage can be used to relieve pain from the affected areas. The added effects of chiropractic treatment such as increased energy levels, better circulation, and a stronger immune system can also help to fight the effects of fibromyalgia. If you are experiencing symptoms of fibromyalgia give us a call to schedule a consultation so we can establish a plan to start you on your road to recovery.

    Before + After Results

    Helping you find relief is our number one goal. Here are a few success stories…